Flash awakes on a secret prison planet somewhere in the galaxy. Upon learning that Dale Arden is the subject of an assassination plot, he's forced to break out and make his way across the galaxy to save her. Along the way, he encounters old friends, new threats, and a greater...
Flash awakes on a secret prison planet somewhere in the galaxy. Upon learning that Dale Arden is the subject of an assassination plot, he's forced to break out and make his way across the galaxy to save her. Along the way, he encounters old friends, new threats, and a greater mystery surrounding WHO is pulling the strings of this universe. The first exciting issue in an all-new ongoing series! Categoria: Comics (in preordine)
Uscita: 24/07/24
Ordinabile fino al 18/06/24
By Adams, Jeremy. Artist Conrad, Will. Cover by Blank Sketch Cover,.
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