Series Premiere. Sara Pezzini is back in an all-new origin story! A reimagining of the classic storyline, this high-octane supernatural thriller starts at the beginning with familiar characters and new story arcs. New York City Police Detective Sara Pezzini's life was forever fractured by her father's murder. Cold, cunning, and...
Series Premiere. Sara Pezzini is back in an all-new origin story! A reimagining of the classic storyline, this high-octane supernatural thriller starts at the beginning with familiar characters and new story arcs. New York City Police Detective Sara Pezzini's life was forever fractured by her father's murder. Cold, cunning, and hellbent on revenge, Sara now stalks a vicious criminal cabal beneath the city, where an ancient power collides and transforms her into something wild, magnificent, and beyond her darkest imaginings. From co-creator Marc Silvestri (The Darkness, Cyber Force, Batman and the Joker: The Dearly Duo) and writer Marguerite Bennett (Animosity, Batwoman, DC Bombshells) with artist Giuseppe Cafaro (Suicide Squad, Power Rangers, Red Sonja) comes a bold new era of Witchblade! Categoria: Comics (in preordine)
Uscita: 17/07/24
Ordinabile fino al 02/06/24
By Bennett, Marguerite. Artist Cafaro, Giuseppe. Cover by Blank Sketch Cover,.
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